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Lots of Good News

A lot of exciting stuff has been happening since my last post—which was way too long ago. I’ll go through it in chronological order.

First, back at the end of July my second short story collection was accepted for publication from Watertower Hill Publishing. The collection, titled Hell is Empty, All the Monsters are Here is a much larger collection than my previous one and contains 26 stories. 13 of the stories are previously published in various anthologies and 13 stories are brand new to the collection. I really love all the stories in this collection. There are all types of horror in there (along with some Sci-fi and even a little fantasy for good measure) and I think there is something in there for all different types of readers. Hell is Empty, All the Monsters are Here will be out in September of 2025.

In mid-September of this year (Friday the 13th to be exact) my novella And Then I Killed All The Ghosts was unleashed upon the world. This quick read was a blast to write and I think you’ll be able to see that from the first few pages. I wanted to write something with a lot of action and very little down time. I also wanted to type to replicate the feeling of some of the old 1950’s pulp crime novels. I think I managed to accomplish that in this superhero/horror book with an anti-hero who hates the idea of being called a superhero. The main character, Frank Carbone, hates having to help the police and would rather sit at home with a pizza and a cold beer whenever the police call him for help. You can grab a copy of this wherever you get your books or in my shop if you’re looking for a signed copy.

Just this past week was the cover reveal and we opened up the preorder for my 10th book. This one, a full length novel The Gods Among Them. Early reviews are starting to come in and they’ve all been incredibly positive so far. I’m hoping this continues as I truly believe this is some of the best work I’ve put out so far. I love the story and I have a real soft spot for the main character in this one, Philip. I don’t want to give away too much about the book because there is so much happening within the pages of this book. Here is back cover blurb if you want to get a sense of where this one is headed:

The Chicago winter is cold and unrelenting.

Philip Mayhan is homeless and doesn’t want to spend another winter wondering if this is the year he dies of exposure on the streets of the city his calls home. Leaving his friend and the familiarity of an area he knows well, Philip goes in search of a place to stay for the winter. His exploration ends with the discovery of an empty house to squat in. Philip gets the rest he needs and feels better than he has in years. As strange occurrences begin to take place in the house, Philip finds himself drawn to an unending hole in the basement.

Philip yearns to learn more about what is happening in the house and comes to realize the only way he will get an answer is by seeing what lies waiting for him at the bottom of the abyss.

This one will be out November 1st from Wicked House Publishing. I’ll have signed copies of it, as always, on my shop once my author copies arrive.

Finally I have a new logo I’ll be using on my website and various other places made by the talented Christy Aldridge.

That’s all I have for you this time. Thanks for reading and, as always, your continued support. Until next time…


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